Sometimes we enjoy our work but it’s not paying the bills. This leads to frustration and the desire to quit doing that work. Quitting your job is a reactive response that provides short-termrelief but doesn’t solve the deeper problem. More likely, the solution lies in doing our work differently. That might mean using technology more effectively, shifting from a time-for-money mindset or creating a different level of outreach and support. When you’re close to the situation, it’s hard to see what really needs to change. If you have a job, there are always ways of making more money at it. That may take getting creative or using your resources differently. If you’re self-employed, it’s vital that you see your work, first and foremost, as a business. In general, the higher your emotions are around your work, the more you might benefit from hiring a career coach. The neutrality that a coach brings can make a world of difference.