I’ve never had children of my own. My maternal instincts show up in other ways. I can be a mama bear with clients, fiercely helping them get their branding lined up. I love helping clients with their niche. I see determining someone’s business niche as both an art and a science. Continue reading
Managing Your Emotions
To weather your job or career transition, you must stay consistently, habitually, annoyingly (to many people) positive. If you don’t firmly hold yourself in glowing self-esteem and take ongoing positive action, you will unwittingly sabotage your best efforts. Continue reading
Surviving a Layoff
Ok, so you’ve lost your job. How are you handling it? Maybe your company was challenged, even before your world came apart. Or maybe, just maybe, you never really liked your job anyway and never felt well used or appreciated at work. So you were marking time, hoping something better would come along. And now it has, just not the way you expected it. Continue reading